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Reasons to Plan a Vacation Today

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Reasons to Plan a Vacation Today

Taking time to recharge is good for your health! Plenty of research has been shared about the benefits of taking vacation. Lower stress levels, improved heart health, better sleep quality, higher productivity at work, stronger bonds with loved ones–there are lots of reasons why booking a vacation is a smart idea for your well-being. But did you know that most Americans don’t use up all their allotted vacation days? 

Why is planning a vacation valuable? 

A couple walks along the water's edge on a Bahamas beach at sunset.

Each January, Plan for Vacation Day aims to raise awareness about the benefits of taking a vacation and encourages people to take the time off they’ve earned. Research shows that younger travelers (particularly those between ages 18-34) are the group least likely to plan vacation days. 

People that plan ahead are more likely to travel during their vacation time–76% of planners take a trip, versus 50% of people who book their vacation days last-minute. By figuring out your vacation day details in advance, you’re more likely to snag a great deal on airfare or accommodations–or splurge on that luxurious escape you’ve been dreaming about. 

And, perhaps not surprisingly, people who plan ahead take an average of 12 vacation days per year, compared to non-planners, who spend just five days relaxing and recharging each year. 

Why is taking a vacation good for you?

A group of people does yoga on the beach at sunset, under the silhouette of a palm tree.

In addition to the obvious benefits of taking a vacation–having fun, enjoying a break from work, adding some interesting new material to the Instagram feed or family photo album, making memories–there are plenty of reasons why booking time off is good for your physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

Vacations can help you replenish your energy levels and productivity, so when you do return to “regular” life, you’ll be able to get even more done–think of a vacation as a battery charger. By taking a break from your daily routine, you’ll be able to enjoy more sleep and more exercise, both crucial elements to good overall health. 

Vacation can help you strengthen your relationships with loved ones, too. Spending time together in a less-scheduled setting helps you bond and create special memories. 

And don’t forget to try something new or “out of character” while you’re on vacation, whether it’s lingering in a museum or learning to scuba dive–the rush of dopamine our bodies produce when we change up our daily routines is also healthy! 

What are some tips for making vacation planning easier?

A family poses in swings outside a colorful building in The Bahamas.

You work hard to earn those vacation days–now it’s time to enjoy them. To make planning your next trip easy, we’ve rounded up some tips to help you stay organized, save money, and focus on the fun of enjoying your well-deserved break. 

Figure out a list of destinations that appeal to you. 

Are you looking for a sunny destination? An all-inclusive, zero-stress vacation? Want to explore a new city or unwind in a remote location? Think about what kind of a vacation you’re looking for and narrow down a list of destinations that match your criteria, then research each spot to figure out exactly where you’d like to be. Similarly, decide on a type of accommodation you’d prefer–is this trip all about pampering, or are you comfortable roughing it in more rustic accommodations? Do you like a full-service hotel, or does a residential-style hotel with a full kitchen suit your needs better? 

Choose a time of year. 

Chat with your traveling companions to figure out what time of year works best for everyone’s schedule. Do you want your trip to align with the kids’ school holiday? Is there a busy period at work where you’d prefer to be in the office? Research the weather in your destination at that time of year to make sure it’s a good time to visit. 

Sign up for Google Flight Alerts. 

Airfare can be one of the biggest expenses when it comes to travel. Google’s Flight Alert service monitors the price of flights you’re interested in and emails you when the price goes up or down. If you’ve got some time before you need to book a flight, consider signing up to see how flight cost patterns are moving and save yourself some dollars! 

Delegate duties.

If you’re traveling with friends or a partner, don’t be the one who takes on all the planning responsibilities! Set up a Facebook group or What’s App chat to keep each other in the loop and give everybody a task. Perhaps someone researches flights, someone finds the best hotels, and another person books dinner reservations or chooses an excursion for everyone to try. 

Don’t forget–short trips count too! 

A vacation doesn’t need to be a week or two long to be beneficial. Even a quick weekend getaway can be just the change of scene you need to feel relaxed, refocused, and rejuvenated. Try booking off a Friday and a Monday to create an extra-long weekend for some R&R. 

Subscribe to travel emails. 

Many destinations, resorts, and hotels offer email newsletters that can help you save money and time as you plan your adventure. With travel tips, great deals, and the latest info on visiting Nassau Paradise Island, our very own email newsletter is a helpful resource when it comes to vacation planning! It’s the best way to stay informed and save money on your next trip to The Bahamas. Bon voyage!